NOx Abatement part I- Did you know?

What are Nitrogen Oxides?

Nitrogen Oxides , the pesky family of NOx compounds, can come from natural sources or from human activity. They come mostly from automobiles and other mobile origins, but cars are not the only ones to blame,  electric plant boilers are also big players in the production of NOx compounds, as well as other stationary industrial sources. (1)

  • Mobile sources produce 50% of all NOx
  • Electric power plants produce 20% of all NOx
  • 30% comes from all other natural and human produced sources    



Why should we control Nitrogen Oxides?

The NOx family of air pollutants, includes NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) which is the most abundant in the atmosphere that is generated by human activities, as mentioned above. NO2 creates air pollution, ozone and acid rain; all which negatively affect us and certain ecosystems. There is scientific evidence that indicates that just 6-7 hours of exposure to ground-level ozone, even at low concentrations, can reduce lung function and cause respiratory inflammation. When exposed to high levels of ozone for several months, it can cause permanent structural damage in the lungs. Ozone doesn’t just harm humans, but it is the culprit for billion dollar losses of agricultural crop yield loss and damage to the forest ecosystem.(2)

How can we control Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)?

Be mindful of the car you buy, do some research to how clean and environmentally friendly your new care really is. When the words environmentally friendly and cars come together, most people think of slow boring cars which might not be too appealing. But there are other options, such as the Volkswagen Passat, and the Porsche Cayenne; they are both diesel models that use Diesel Exhaust Fluid to greatly reduce emissions. Industrial plants are now being regulated in the U.S and must have NOX control systems, in order to be in compliance. In fact, today August 3rd 2015, President Obama is announcing the Clean Power Plan, to cut carbon emissions from the power sector by 32% by 2030, compared with 2005 levels.  There are still many countries that have not adopted  NOX control standards for electric power plants or the mobile industry. It is important for these strict standards to be in place all over the world and not just in some countries, quoting President Obama ,” If we don’t do it nobody will. America leads the way forward…that’s what this plan is about. This is our moment to get something right and get something right for our kids.”


final-draft-noxguard Has spent many years on the technical process of making urea solution for NOx control in the automotive industry, and has the quality needed to provide industrial plants with the NOx control solution they need. Stay tuned for part II of this blog ,  Where Product Quality Matters.






1.Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Why and How they are Controlled


2. “Health Effects of Air Pollution”. United States Environmental Protection Agency. June 30th, 2015.





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